True Ancient American Artifacts Other Effigies

True Ancient American Artifacts

All artifacts found at a single ancient settlement.

All of the artifacts presented on this website are from a single ancient settlement. We will present the stone tools, the works of art, the crude implements, rough sculptures, problematical artifacts and everything from the site that appears to have been made or used by the people who lived here many centuries ago. It is only through a complete analysis such as this that we can begin to undestand the ancient Native Americans.

Effigy Stones.

A Native American archaeologist explaind to me that the ancient peoples believed that if you possessed the likeness (or effigy) of an animal or other person, you acquired some of the characteristics of that animal or person. There are two items in my collection so far that required a significant amount of time and labor to make. This effort only makes sense when you consider the above explaination.

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